The line between the individual and the organisation is becoming increasingly blurred, as organisations move away from a mechanistic, bureaucratic structure, towards a living community and individuals strive, for a balanced life, where they feel that what they do matters and that they matter too.
The skills required in our brave new world are changing - we are living in unpredictable, volatile and unprecedented times of change, disruption and opportunity. As such, we need creativity, resilience and empathy in bucket loads.
”Creativity is the last legal, competitive advantage." Edward de Bono
Below, I have shared some challenges to disrupt, challenge, motivate and to help organisations to do things differently. The challenge itself is not necessary the solution or end game, it's simply a way to create change in a meaningful, heartfelt and creative way, to start your journey, to create the first ripple, because every change starts with action - no matter how large or small, it just needs to start.
'If you always do what you have always done, you will always get what you have always got.' It is no longer just about thinking 'outside of the box', it is about 'being outside of the box'.
The purpose of these challenges is to change the way things are seen, done and experienced. Because that is how the unimaginable is imagined, limitations become transparent, boundaries crumble, passion is ignited and creativity gets real.
I'm still learning everyday - that's the beauty of our time. I believe the opportunity to truly be ourselves and reach our potential, is unrivalled in history. Everything in within our reach and nothing is out of bounds.
The future is today, we are the change we are waiting for. And if you would like a hand getting started with real change, please drop me a line, I'd love to join your adventure.
carpe diem.
Encourage, enable and motivate every employee to take time out every few months to go and volunteer for a 'cause'.
They are free to choose the cause but it must adhere to the following criteria:
1. No less than 1 day
2. Involve a vulnerable part of society
3. Be at the 'front line' of the cause
And why you may ask should an organisation do this? What value will it bring? What is the ROI?
This practice will ensure three critical outcomes:
1. Bring humanity and compassion to life throughout the organisation via tangible action.
2. Help people retain their sense of perspective, focus on their strengths and reach their potential.
3. Encourage people to judge less, listen more, share more and therefore connect far more effectively with their colleagues.
The ROI - it's priceless, simply priceless
People feel good about themselves when they can help others.
People thrive when they are in a community built on shared values.
People need meaning and a purpose.
It is within the gift of the organisation to enable all of this so please, let's just do it.
Take a fresh approach to your business planning.
1. Articulate in no more than 2 sentences your raison d'etre - ask everyone in the organisation to write it down. Analyse the results, you will either have your answer or you are lost, in which case pause for thought and agree your raison d'etre with those who matter - your employees.
2. Define your key values - ask everyone in the organisation to name their top 3 values to be adopted in pursuit of the raison d'etre. Analyse and compile a majority - if that is not possible, dig deeper, do you need more than 3? If so then choose more than 3 but not more than 5. Why 5? Because you have to stop somewhere else it becomes impractical.
3. Ask each team to articulate a) what and how they will contribute to the raison d'etre b) how they will bring the values to life c) what budget they require and d) what requirements of leadership and the organisation do they require to deliver their part of the 'jigsaw'.
Viola, your planning is done.
Next step - deliver, review outcomes real time and change what needs changing when it needs changing, based on information from the people who know.
Build an environment capable of inspiring and caring for your community.
It's important never to under-estimate the impact our environment has on our ability to be happy and to be content.
The working environment is the physical representation of the organisations culture, meaning and commitment to its community.
So, the challenge is to build that environment - put a library at the heart of it, to inspire the constant pursuit of knowledge, human connection and discussion. Create quiet, private spaces for inner thought and reflection. Build that trim track, get people outdoors to re-invigorate their bodies and minds. Provide a restful and alluring place to eat. Ensure daylight floods in from every angle so that mother nature can be seen and perspective retained. Give people the space and quiet they need to work but also the proximity to talk and reach out for help when they need it. But most of all, keep it classless - value everyone's contribution and don't play to the optical illusion of greatness being defined by the size of your office.
Rome wasn't built in a day, this will take time so, start today.
In one sentence write down the core goal of the organisation, it's raison d'etre.
It has to be captured in once sentence - if you are not able to do this then you need to go back to the drawing board to really understand your raison d'etre.
Share that sentence with every team in the organisation and ask them four questions (this may need to be done via an objective third party to ensure people feel safe to be completely honest in this exercise and if this is the case there's a whole world of work to be done on culture and trust):
1. Do you think the organisation delivers its core goal?
2. Do you agree with the core goal, if not why not?
3. Does your team understand the goal?
4. Is your team able and willing to add value to the overall goal and how?
This type of exercise carried out in a psychologically safe environment can provide priceless information on what the organisation really is in reality and just how much of its potential is being achieved.
Ensure that you have all of the ingredients required within your organisation to create creativity.
Creating something new or coming up with a new idea is made possible by taking pieces of existing knowledge and combining them together to create something new.
"No one is able to have new ideas. You are only able to make new combinations of two or more existing pieces of knowledge." Fuster (neuroscientist)
On this basis simply recruiting creative people is not enough in its own right. The organisation also needs to be play it's part in two critical areas:
1. Create new knowledge: recruit and create diverse groups of curious people to enable the development of new knowledge - focus on the individual, their core values, their outside interests, their ambitions and passions, their energy, rather than just their skills and experience to date
The environment
2. Combine that new knowledge to come up with creative ideas: Provide an environment that provokes and encourages new ideas - one way to do this might be by sprinkling change agents across the organisation, people whose sole job it is to challenge the status quo and look for ways to change, or simply mix up your teams, create cross functional teams or teams focused on something seemingly random that feeds a collective passion or interest.
Creativity and innovation will always translate into growth but not always in the way you think and that's why it's called creativity.
Plant your change makers. Change doesn’t just happen, like anything in life it requires passion, motivation, commitment and focus.
Creating new roles across your organisation - the change makers. Allow them to roam freely, work alongside teams, attend any meeting or workshop they like, but most importantly, they must develop genuine relationships based on trust.
Their job is to encourage and mentor people to embrace their creativity and change. They will question and provoke - ‘yes that’s s good idea let’s see if it works? Have you thought of looking at it this way? What about if we started again? Why can’t we do that? Let's just try, whats the worse that can happen, It's ok to fail, What did we learn?’
Give them budgets, empower them, trust them.
Think of them like gym instructors, helping people to get fit for the first time, or after a period of injury, or after a bad experience where they failed to get fit before. And once people get to a basic level of fitness, it becomes easier to do more, to go further, to go quicker - exactly the same as change, but be sure to plant and empower the change maker at the senior level too, often where it is needed most.
Building a culture of change takes time, trust and constant action and the hardest part is simply to start.
How real are your initiatives? Is your organisation 'philosophising' or 'walking the talk'. Ticking boxes on the latest hot topics such as well being, diversity and innovation, to name but a few is no substitute for the 'real deal'.
In fact raising the hopes of people in anticipation of a fundamental shift on a topic that is important to them and then not delivering can cause more harm than good. So, don't do it - yes you heard correctly, one of the few challenges where I am saying 'not to do something'. Only promise change through initiatives if you are really serious about actually doing something different that will positively impact people.
Test yourself. Choose an initiative, one that has had senior backing and a big 'noise' associated with it. Then go out there and see if you have really 'walked the talk'. Analyse whether the anticipated benefits have been achieved, conduct interviews, carry out surveys, observe behaviours - seek out the truth and be honest with yourselves about whether you have been philosophising or really creating change. If not, why not? Take it on the chin and then really take action.
Understand the passions that your people have and give them some 'off grid' time to experience them.
Whenever a new employee is taken on, organisations generally make it their business to understand the persons experience, skills and ambitions. Usually, in very small print right at the bottom of someone's CV are a couple of lines outlining their hobbies.
We need to turn this on it's head. One of the most important things we need to understand about people is what make them passionate, what really makes their heart sing. So, make it one of the key things you get to know about them and also share your passions in return.
But then take this a step further - find time for people to indulge their passions. Give them 'off grid' time - say 1 day per month as a trial. Allow them, encourage them to use that time to do something that 'makes their heart sing'. When they come back into work ask them whether it has helped their motivation, inspired new ideas, contributed to their happiness but most importantly, has it enabled them to experience being 'whole' in their professional life?
Bring the organisation to life by bringing the people to life.
This is a very specific challenge to any of the FTSE 350 companies who gave a negative reason as to why there are a lack of women on boards. Do a role swop with me - a working mum of three children for one day.
Just to set the scene, my day starts at 5.30am. I wake up and spend a few minutes 'just being', seeing what comes into me head, browsing the headlines and identifying my priorities. By 6.30am I have fed and watered the chickens, ducks and feral cat, emptied and re-loaded the washing machine, run the bath, made pack-ups and set the breakfast table. By 8am I have responded to all of my emails and social media comments, written a challenge of the day, story of the day and thought of the day. My to-do list will be done, children bathed, fed, dressed, listened to and ready for school.
Sadly Linkedin does not allow enough words in a post for me to outline the rest of my day which ends at about 10pm. But this should give you a flavour of what to expect.
This is a genuine challenge. The question is not whether I am capable of getting through your day but are you capable of getting through mine?
Inspired by all of the women out there juggling everything and still capable of so much more.
Walk in each others shoes. Once a month have a 'role swop' day. That means that each leader within the organisation gets randomly picked (good, old fashioned names out of a hat) to swop with a randomly picked person from a team.
Then just for one day they each have to do the others job. For the leaders, it will inform, develop and bring more empathy as they start to truly understand what needs to happen in the organisation to make it work at 'grass root' level. For team members it will do exactly the same but from a different perspective, allowing them to understand the competing priorities and difficult decisions leaders sometimes have to make.
At the end of each 'role swop' day both the leader and team member have a meeting, facilitated by a third member - from another team for objectivity, to analyse and feedback to each other on what they saw as the key challenges, strengths and potential to improve.
Give it a go, looking at things from a new perspective can be truly inspiring!
Let go of the budgets - yes you heard me, just let them go.
Allow your teams to be responsible for their own budgets - how much do they think they will need? How much do they think they will generate or enable others to generate? Let the team manage their budgets and discuss progress with their leaders - in a positive and constructive way.
If things go wrong, have a back up plan - an 'oops didn't see that coming' pot that teams can access with the help of their leaders.
Set guidelines, there is only so much money available in total so when all of the budgets are in, analyse the over or underspend - yes you may find an underspend believe it or not and then go back and talk to the teams, as grown ups about how to resolve the deficit and manage priorities.
And don't just ask teams to think about £'s, that is only one aspect of a budget. £'s are incurred by people and activities required to generate outcomes.
So, encourage your teams to think about that too - how are the outcomes going to be achieved , can they afford if, if not what other options do they have? Empower them to manage their resources, be creative about how they use them and provide support not punishment if the plans go awry - that's life.
Allow people to choose their team. One of the reasons why so many people are unhappy at work is that they simply do not enjoy what they do. What if we allowed our teams to 'play' (within the realms of reality).
Try running a small experiment, take 3 teams each focused on different aspects of the business. Get each team to choose an anchor - the person who will not rotate to another team as part of this exercise. The anchor then presents the raison d'etre, working protocols and outcomes of their team to everyone involved. All of the other team members are then empowered to choose which team they would like to join for a trial period of 1/2 weeks. Now a level of common sense will be required, i.e if everyone only chooses one or two of the teams there may be some deeper issues you need to address first!
Can we make people happier and more engaged by giving them a chance to try something new, that they are naturally more drawn to? How will it affect the longer term quality and outcomes of the team? After an initial period of training and familiarisation, can the new level of energy and motivation outweigh the upheaval of creating the change in the first place?
I don't know the answers but we won't find out unless we try!
Don't have full or part-time jobs, simply have jobs that deliver outcomes.
Don't ask for recent experience and employment, ask for relevant experience and life skills.
Don't ask for a CV ask for a biography.
Don't ask people to come to interview, ask for a conversation.
Don't set a location, discuss a journey.
Don't talk about salary levels, discuss value and agree a fair 'deal' for the outcomes required.
Don't offer a number of days holiday pa, talk about the level of 'time out' required to replenish, refresh and re-engage people's being.
Most importantly, don't talk about being at 'work' - talk about where and how people create and innovate, what the community can offer, how you will be empowered, what is your contribution to the overall purpose of the organisation and how can you shape it.
Don't have a start date, have a 'try it and see' period so that both the organisation and individual can experience each other and validate/tailor/change how they can contribute to each other's development.
Be a part of of your organisation not only a leader of it - be brave enough to see where you end up which may well be so much better than where you had planned to go.
What would happen if you looked at your organisation using this as your template?
1. Redefine the organisations purpose, profit is only as good as the value it can create therefore it cannot be a driver, only a navigator.
2. Keep the strategic goals simple and directly driven by the raison d’etre which has to be captured in one simple sentence and ideally the goals in another 3 short and to be the point sentences .
3. Develop a community rather than a workforce, provide an environment not just a place of work, build deep human relationships not business networks.
4. Ensure that change is business as usual, nothing stays the same, take small steps every single day.
The common goal will drive the community, which will deliver the outcomes, which will deliver the value, which will create the profit.
Are you ready for a daring and gutsy approach to managing your organisation?
Welcome to 'Organised Chaos'.
'Organised Chaos' - these 2 words are profoundly important and the balance between them is the key to success.
Too much structure stifles creativity, restricts the development of people and ultimately, reduces value to clients.
Alternatively too much 'chaos' and freedom can lead to dis-connected ideas, budget over spends, people focused on their needs, not that of the wider community and a culture of confusion.
So, the trick is designing an organisational model loose enough to flex, but strong enough to hold the vision, community and outcomes together.
That model will be different for each organisation, but the critical success factors against which is should be rigorously tested will be the same:
1. Can it create and bring to life a common, purposeful vision?
2. Can it attract and constantly develop people as their 'whole self'?
3. Can it enable new ideas and value creation for its customers, in a painless manner ensuring that people understand who is responsible for what and by when?
But remember the foundations upon which it must be built has to be trust and the courage to always put your people first, no matter how tough the going gets.
What would happen if organisations actually stopped themselves becoming 'too big'.
Sometimes, being too big can harm rather than help an organisations purpose, culture and ability to deliver.
Now being big is different to being accessible or reaching people.
In our digital age organisations don't need to need to be physically big with 1,000's of employees - they need to be smart, agile and accessible.
I genuinely believe that organisations can get too big - people become numbers, customers become transactions, communication becomes a labyrinth and the core purpose is obscured by process, bureaucracy and PR.
Be ambitious, be seen, be heard but be conscious of your raison d'etre, caring of your people and serving to you customers.
Spilt yourself up into self managed entities, work with partners, look for smart ways to achieve your purpose, that avoid the pitfalls of size.
Randomly choose 10-15 people from your organisation.
Ask them what their hobbies and interests are, then invest in them.
Buy them a day, an experience, something where they can go off for a day or two and immerse themselves in their passion.
Ok, it needs to be practical so maybe not a space flight!
When they return, run a session with them. Find out what they learnt, how it made them feel, who they met, how it developed them.
Then ask what, if any insight and ideas it gave them that could be applied in their working environment.
You might just be surprised by what you get.
Who is up for the challenge?
Change the way you view change.
We talk endlessly about change - getting people to accept it, agree to it, own it, deliver it, make it effective etc etc.
Let's change the way we look at change and stop trying to do the big things.
Focus on small change instead, build confidence, empowerment and a culture of change by making it a choice, accessible and do-able to all.
Choose a team, any team - ask them what small change they would like to make in the organisation or within their team.
Empower them to set the scope, shape the change and deliver it. Make sure the change is within their gift, actually doable and preferably not to big.
Build a culture of change through small steps of achievement, getting your people to drive the change and rewarding the success of it when they do.
Are you really doing what you do to the best of your ability?
Challenge of the day for leaders and managers. You don't need to make or sell 'funky' products & services to be a great organisation to work for. What matters is that you do what you do, to the best of your ability and that of all of your people.
Take the '8 point test', to see whether you are getting all of the potential out of all of your people including yourself.
1. how much of your time do you spend responding to complaints/issues as opposed to hearing about new ideas?
2. on average, how many applicants do you get for a job vacancy?
3. what is your attrition rate?
4. what is your sickness rates and do you understand what the main contributing factors are?
5. how much time do your people spend on doing their 'day' job as opposed to learning/development, team building and socialising/playing at work events?
6. Do you have any way of measuring/understanding how 'happy' your people are?
7. Describe your culture in 5 words and conduct a survey to see what % of your people agree or disagree with it.
8. Conduct another survey, ask your people to list their top 3 priorities in life - not at work but in life, thats really important. Analyse the results, work out how or if the organisation contributing to them?
Stop leading and start being.
All of my role models, without exception, have inspired, empowered and developed me, not by explicitly leading but by being.
Being with me, spending quality time with me - very often our meetings would purposely by away from the office so that the environment was 'classless' and I was free to talk about both professional and personal concerns and achievements.
They would often look at my work with me, give constructive feedback but always made me see and understand my true value.
They shared themselves with me - they were human too. We had a relationship, we had genuine respect for each other - they saw me, they heard me, they helped me to help myself and they let me into their world too.
So, leaders - open up, make relationships with people, empower them, mentor them, believe in them, trust them but most of all teach them to lead themselves.
For every person in an organisation - forget grade, seniority, experience or skills, just do this one small thing everyday, preferably to people you don't know that well or do not know at all .
Ask someone you are stood next too, sat next too, walking next to or within talking distance - "how are you today? how is life going?" When they answer, look at them, give them your full attention. Do not interrupt or start talking about yourself, just let them have their moment. Just as you will have yours when someone else returns the favour.
That's it - nothing complex or big just small, subtle changes to show people that you have seen them, heard them and care enough to ask about them.
Amazing the difference it will make to someone, somewhere.
Everyone has a story and behind that story lies the key to unlocking their true potential.
At an organisational level we focus on the superficial stuff - experience, jobs, education, skills etc. We need to get behind this, to really unpick the threads that lead to the passion, motivation and ultimately, the way to unlock that potential.
So, the challenge is to find a way to understand the person behind the CV.
What is their background, what are their hobbies, their passions, the things that really motivate them, what is really of value to them? Find a way to see the 'whole' of the person not just the part they think or you think that you need to see.
Consider changing your on-boarding process - take it outside, for a day or more not just hours. Make it about so much more than the role and the immediate team. Widen it to include people from across the organisation including leaders. Multi-task, use on-boarding as a way to have frequent, cross-function events and time out. Think outside of the box. The best way to get to know people is to spend quality time with them, not just when they start with you but throughout their time with you.
It is only the only way to make the whole greater than the sum of its parts
Start being a leader by showing your vulnerabilities, failings and weaknesses as well as your strengths, experience and skills.
Mark Manson writes this about Charles Bukowski, an German-American writer and poet, womaniser, alcoholic and gambler “The genius in Bukowski’s work was not in overcoming unbelievable odds or developing himself into a shining literary example. It was the opposite. It was his simple ability to be completely, unflinchingly honest with himself – especially the worst parts of himself – and to share his feelings without hesitation or doubt”.
Read his book and then think about what being a leader really means.
For me it's as much about showing your vulnerability and weaknesses as it is about your strengths and ability to make decisions.
True leadership is about inspiring me, igniting my passion and belief in a cause or goal, making me feel valued and but perhaps most of all, giving me the space and honesty to support you when you need me to.…/…/ref=sr_1_1…
Mental health is the number 1 threat to an organisations productivity.
Roughly half of the UK population are unhappy with their jobs. Management is seen as dis-connected and remote. Customer service is still a dream versus a reality. Organisations are judged on their ability to generate profit rather than meaningful value.
Not sounding like a particularly attractive proposition, right?
The solutions are part of human nature, they don't need to be invented. Let’s start with 5 basics and work from there:
1. Create meaningful goals with all of your people not just the senior leaders. Measure the success of your goals in value created not purely profit.
2. Put culture at the top of the agenda, create a senior role to ensure your organisation has a 'heart' and operates as a 'live community' not a hierarchical machine.
3. Physically and emotionally move management to sit, work and play with the wider organisation so they can both see and feel how it really is.
4. Bring back passion and self-motivation by creating space in people's day to play and be involved with something they love, link the creative output to what you do.
5. Create working space that is a destination you choose to go to not a prison you have to be in.
Change your destination - just change it.
This can happen in more ways than one.
Give your people the freedom to work from a place that plays to their strengths, put your roots as an organisation in a place that inspires and attracts people, set your goals to achieve a destination that you haven't been to before.
Get off the beaten track, discover the undiscovered location - if it hasn't got commuter links, make them. Use the enormous savings you make from not paying for over-priced, over-crammed offices to create alternative places of work with alternative models of work. Maybe it's one place, maybe it's more than one, maybe it's by the seaside, maybe it's in the countryside. The UK, in particular, is tiny compared to many countries, it is not that difficult to get 'out there' if you really want to.
Your workspace speaks volumes about your ethos and desire to embrace and care about your people.
Get off the beaten track and create a destination work space.
If you are a CEO, CIO, CFO, COO, Director, Manager or generally anyone with some power, influence or responsibility and have the desire and guts to see things done differently, then please use your influence to transform your organisation and try giving this a go.
Put your employees names in a hat (ok it may not be practical to do that for all employees depending on your size, geographical layout etc so take a pragmatic approach to this exercise), pull out 15-20 names at random. Employ an experienced, high-energy and alternative external facilitator. Get yourselves in a room with a view or in a place with a view (weather dependent) for a few of hours. Re-think your goals and 'raison d'etre' as an organisation. Do not allow constraints or boundaries, they can come later. Just allow yourselves to create with people who may a) not have worked together before b) not have been encouraged to create before and c) not ever have experienced being empowered within the organisation before.
See what comes out of the process. You might just surprise yourselves.
"No man is an island" This phrase expresses the idea that human beings do badly when isolated from others and need to be part of a community in order to thrive.
Leaders can often be isolated - sometimes by choice, sometimes by circumstances and sometimes because people just don't get to know them as they are not always accessible.
For anyone in a position of leadership your challenge today is to take 'all of you to work' and share that with your employees. Do they know your passions, your dislikes, anything about your life outside of your professional persona? Do they understand that you have great strengths but also areas you need help with? Get out there, talk to people, eat lunch with them, have a conversation, share stories, work next to them - find your common ground.
Bringing people together achieves far more than the individual parts - let your employees know that you are human too, let them in.
You might just be surprised by what you can achieve together.
Be honest with your employees, share your top 3 current management challenges, with everyone. Ask them to feedback on 3 areas:
1. Ideas they may have on how to address the challenges.
2. What they think would be required to deliver the solutions.
3. If their solution is progressed would they like to play a key role in taking it forward.
Ask everyone in the organisation no matter what their role level.
Creativity transcends boundaries. You might just find what you seek.
Three great questions for an organisation to be able to answer, succinctly and clearly.
1. What product would we be really proud of, that would create real value for people?
2. Can we do it?
3. If not, why not?
The critical test for how agile and open to change your organisation really is:
1. How many conversations do you need to have in order to do something differently?
2. How accessible are resources and funding for new ideas?
3. How many steps does it take to test and implement a new idea?
4. When you present your new ideas, how many negative, positive or constructive questions/ comments do you receive?
5. What percentage of your meetings on new ideas are spent on persuading, developing, testing or implementing?
In all honestly, I see lots of organisations philosophising about new concepts, being agile and embracing change but it remains EXCEPTIONAL to see those that actually ‘walk the talk’.
Business with purpose - it's no longer about being the best in the world but being the best for the world.
"without a sense of purpose no company can achieve its full potential" Larry Fink, President of Blackrock
And so we now have Certified B Corporations. Certified B Corporations are verified by the non-profit B Lab who stand for a positive impact on society and the environment.
Effectively this means that people and the planet now sit equally at the table with profit - although I would argue that people and planet come first driving value then profit. But I'm not one to look a gift horse in the mouth, I'll take this equality as a massive step forward from where we are right now.
B lab compile a list of the top 1,000 companies who achieve the highest scores within their B impact assessment. They are referred to as Honorees. Click the link below to check them out - but before you do, ask yourself:
Is your organisation on this list?
Is your organisation aspiring to be on this list?
Is your organisation a certified B corporation?
Has your organisation heard of certified B corporations?
Does your organisation care about being a certified B corporation?
The fundamentals of capitalism are changing, don't get left behind.
Some new ‘rules of the road’ for a truly modern organisation:
1. ‘Transactional transformation’ is simply repeating what has already been done which means you are probably in an ‘over fished’ sea. Stop doing it
2. ‘Seemingly impossible’ transformation is the real deal and the only true chance you’ve got for real growth. Find the passion and guts to do it
3. Transformation is evolution not revolution. It needs to happen as a matter of course, it’s just the new business as usual. If that’s all you offer there is no resistance to change as there is nothing to resist
4. Attracting the right people is predominantly about a ‘can do’ mindset, ability to self manage, empathy to get the best from others and being able to truly ‘see’. Technical skills and experience are the support act
5. Shareholder return is just one outcome for success. Doing something that is purposeful, adds real value to the way we live and allows people to experience work as a something they want to do are critical ingredients to attracting customers and employees
6. Ego’s, power bases and political manoeuvres are out. Competency, trust, innovation and being a ‘whole’ person is in.
A blueprint for 'seemingly impossible' transformation - a common and purposeful goal, a culture built on trust and 3 distinct but related groups of people: Visionaries, Translators and Inventors:
a) Visionaries are unafraid of failure, truly 'get’ the customer and are not constrained by reality or only what has been done before
b) Translators have a 'can do' mindset, are fantastic communicators that help people to understand abstract concepts and they instinctively know how to make the abstract a reality
c) Inventors have great technical knowledge only surpassed by their thirst for more, they are driven by 'how' and live in an alternative universe.
These groups cannot be managed or led, they are conducted like a finely tuned orchestra and mentored as emerging prodigies. Welcome to the organisation of the future.
We always talk about 'organisational transformation'. Well, we believe that this is a misnomer. It is not the organisation that needs transforming but the people that bring the organisation to life.
We can re-model, re-structure, re-engineer processes and come up with ingenious technological solutions but without the hearts and minds of people, true transformation is simply not possible.
In a world where transformation is now the 'norm' and 'business as usual' the exception, it is absolutely vital that we harness the passion, belief, motivation, imagination and sheer determination of people. Without it, we can only deliver 'transactional' transformation based on what has already been tried and tested, with it we can deliver the 'seemingly impossible' transformation based on imagination and the sheer guts to give it a go.
I think this seems a more intuitive way to think about organisations - creating ripples that flow inwards and outwards, to steer direction, create purpose and harness the passion and creativity of people, to deliver a far richer set of outcomes than simply profit.
Profit is only as good as the value it can create.
Value only counts if it adds something positive to someone’s life, in some way.
Neither profit, value or outcomes can become a legacy if they are not accessible to the people, who can benefit the most from them.
Re-defining capitalism therefore becomes a way, whereby you do the best for others rather than simply being the best only for yourself.
And it feels a hell of a lot better than climbing the corporate ladder alone, with armour and without purpose.
We all have a chance to leave this world in a better place than when we entered it.
That’s the opportunity of a lifetime, don’t squander it. Who is prepared to be the bright spots to start to drive this change?
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